
“To know the oneness of love is to live. This living is like the babbling brook, the singing sparrow, the soaring gull, the wagging of a dog’s tail. This living is the realization of the grandness of desolation and the growth that accompanies it. This living is the joy of consolation and the understanding that all is connected to All and Spirit guides freely. I settle into this love knowing I am blessed. I settle into this love with a broad smile across my heart and a peaceful awareness in my ears. My soul is comforted.” – Lisa Zuercher, 2 March 2016, from Reflections on My Day.

How do you define living? Do you see a connection between love and living in your life? Find a quiet place and sit in the stillness of your heart. Allow the gentleness of each breath to take you deeper into the core of creation. Rest there. In time your senses will become heighted to the oneness of love. Enjoy living.


Walk gently into the mosaic of life and lavish yourself with tenderness, love and compassion.

Will anything stop you from treating yourself to tenderness, love, and compassion today? Is that ‘anything’ worth putting your self-care aside? What will it take to bathe yourself in loving kindness? Go ahead, make a date with yourself and tend to you. Will you do it?

Be Still

“As I stood on rock beach this afternoon allowing God to speak the words ‘Be still and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10 ESV), be still and know that I am, be still and know, be still, be, I became one with everything just as I am. No need for pretense. No need to be anything other than who I am. I just am.” – Lisa Zuercher, 3 October 2015, from Reflections on My Day, Silent Retreat, Cohasset, MA.

Why don’t you delve into your interior space and search out who you are? Who do you say you are?

A Clear Lens through which to See

“It is amazing to find God in all things, in all ways and at all times. Finding comfort in Him who created me is an undeniable aspect of my ability to live and be free. Through the actions of searching, discernment, and contemplation I am able to see the world differently, see the world through the lens of God.” – Lisa Zuercher, from The Everyday, 16 October 2015.

Are you willing to see the world differently today, through Loving eyes? Will you take a loving moment today to search, discern and contemplate different ways in which to see?

Heaven on Earth

“Dance like no one is watching and live life as if it’s heaven on earth.” – Mark Twain.

I feel unbelievably free when I am dancing as if no one is watching, and when I live life as if it is heaven on earth then my heart loves more than I imagine possible. My mind becomes free of all that drags it down and my heart lights up like that of a wild flower in a field on a breezy summer day. To be free is undeniably liberating. It is Be-ing in the present moment. It is allowing yourself to embrace that which doesn’t serve you, loving it and releasing it into the gentle wind. Reach deep down and discover the power within and contemplate on what makes your heart sing.

Ah, for the rest of today I am going to dance among my blooming sunflowers and let my heart sing along with the delicate voice of the sparrow.

What about you? Are you willing to dance like no one is watching? How will you live as if heaven on earth is surrounding you, within you? What steps will you take today to embrace a negative thought, dance with it and set it free? How will you meet yourself right where you are and indulge yourself in self-love and self-compassion?


“You are the wind in my sails, the ray in my light, the twinkle in my eyes, the breath in my lungs, the blood in my veins. You are all that is good and kind and thoughtful and gracious. You are the best parts of all everything. You are Love. And so it is. Thank you Lord. Peace. Amen.” – Lisa Zuercher, from The Everyday, 13 February 2015.

Do you recognize God in the everyday? If not, can you try to see God in something today? Where will you look for God today? For what are you thankful?

Living Prayer

I am the living prayer of God. Repeat these words on your in-breath and on your out-breath. Allow the depth of the message to envelop you. Then rest in its beautiful healing light.

How will you walk through this day knowing that you are the living prayer of God? Will you embrace all of you, each aspect of yourself just as you are as prayer? How do you feel knowing that your life lived is prayer?

Discerning Heart

“My greatest gift, greatest learning, is that my heart is discerning and I need to listen to that. I need to follow that part of my heart into this world in order to thrive in my humanity and spiritual life.” – Lisa Zuercher, from The Everyday, 15 October 2015.

What is your greatest gift? How does that gift connect you to humanity? To your spiritual life? How do you choose to present your gift to the world? How do you choose to present yourself to the world?

Inhale the New Day

After awaking, I stepped onto my back porch, I inhaled the freshness of life, the new day, the cardinal’s song, the gentle breeze and I knew I arrived. My heart open. The cobwebs from yesterday cleared. The welcoming of a new day is my gift for today. Can life be this joyous – finding my gift as a new day, a breath, the song of birds and the delicate white and pink morning glories awaking to me? Ah, yes!

How do you greet each day? Do you realize each day as a gift? How will you look at any moment today a bit differently than you did yesterday? How will you inhale the freshness of life today?

Bask in Creation

“My heart fluttered, I grabbed my camera and ran outside. When I saw the sun with my own eyes I leapt for joy and galloped across the lawn to the boulders. The sunrise was marvelous bringing with it urgings of song and dance – but what to sing and what to dance. So I allowed myself to step back and bask in the glory of a singing ocean and dancing gulls. God is brilliant. Creation astounding.” – Lisa Zuercher, 4 October 2015 from Reflections on My Day, Silent Retreat, Cohasset, MA.

What brings you to song and dance? Where do you bask in the glory of all creation? How will you spend your day today? Why don’t you look around for moments, happenings that will make your heart dance and sing!

Finding a Brilliant Creation

“Watching the seagulls unrelenting flight, searching with watchful eye for fresh food – the delicacies being spit out by the wild ocean. I find a brilliant creation as I ride the swell of delight into the wave of excitement. All newness abounds as I learn again to live as I am and to Be – to simply Be and to Be simply. Blessed be now and forever.” – Lisa Zuercher, 3 October 2015 from Reflections on My Day, Silent Retreat, Cohasset, MA.

Will you be open to finding your swell of delight and wave of excitement? Will you be open to allowing your swell of delight and wave of excitement to find you? How will you treat yourself to this state of Be-ing today?

Newness in Each Moment

“As the waves grew higher and its’ lapping upon the shore deepened the pregnant pause, the fullness of the underbelly of each wave delighted me to new birth. The ebb and flow, the expansion and contraction, the in breath and out breath – each moment is newness.” – Lisa Zuercher, 3 October 2015, from Reflections on My Day, Silent Retreat, Cohasset, MA.

How will you find newness in each moment? What will you do to change the way you look at or experience the everyday?