Life is grand when you realize your ability to feast in the delights of love.
Walk Gently
Walk gently upon this earth. Allow your tears to water your soul and your smile to nourish the earth. Blessed be now and forever.
How will you walk upon this earth today? Do you recognize the healing effect of your tears and your smile? How Do you nourish of this earth?
Living Fully
In order to live life fully you’ll need to keep your heart overflowing with love, your eyes wide open and your soul packed with compassion.
How do you define a fully lived life? How does it feel to fill your heart with love? Are you able to keep your eyes wide open and not run from that which you may not like to see within yourself? Can you embrace what you see and love it up in order to heal? What will happen to you today if you live everything through a soul of compassion?
Surrender Sweetly into Love
To surrender sweetly into love is to walk in mercy with all creation.
Will you allow yourself to surrender sweetly into love?
Let your heart be broken for in the brokenness you’ll realize the fullness of you. You’ll breathe again. You’ll get up again. You’ll love again. Today is the anniversary of my brother going to heaven. I never thought the hole in my heart would mend. I wasn’t broken, I was shattered. And I did breathe again. I did get up again. I did love again. I embraced the grief over time and the fullness of me began to blossom, yet this time with a deeper sense of Life and Love.
Have you experienced brokenness? Are you being tender with yourself and allowing your brokenness to heal within so that you too can bloom into Life? Are you beginning to realize the full sense of you through your experience?
Peace, love and healing to all.
My Prayer
“If I have all things, all gifts and all that I feel is pleasing but do not love then I have nothing. If I display an attitude of pity for self, if I gossip, if I speak anything but love for my neighbor then I do not have love. What am I willing to give up in order to attain love, in order to have love? Merciful Father you know my heart and you know my roots. Please forgive me my transgressions and bring me into your fold. Please do not leave me out to dry. Please do not turn your back on me as I am nothing without you. Do not abandon me to the evil that dwells for I am not strong if you are not my foundation. There is only hope where you are so please do not set me apart from your kingdom. Take me, hold me and feed me from the vine of truth. Thank you my Lord for your love, your forgiveness and for all that you do for me. Peace. Amen.” – Lisa Zuercher, from In the Midst of Love, 20 August 2013.
What is your prayer? Why don’t you take a moment from your day today and write a prayer for yourself. Will you do it?
Allowing Love
Take solace in the fact that you are loved. If you feel loneliness or despair creeping in, greet it by saying, “Welcome loneliness and despair. I acknowledge you. Love is on its way.” Take a few deep healing breaths knowing all the while you ARE Loved. You are never alone.
Will you allow love to surround you? Will you accept love into your life? Will you love you?
Surrender Sweetly
Dear Lord,
When I think of you my heart sings in delight as I know all creation is from you, it is of you. The sunrise is you. The sunset is you. The ocean is you. The surrendering sweetly into love is you. Thank you.
What makes your heart sing? Are you willing to surrender sweetly into it?
God's Whisper
God just whispered, “I love you.”
What’s your response?
“To know the oneness of love is to live. This living is like the babbling brook, the singing sparrow, the soaring gull, the wagging of a dog’s tail. This living is the realization of the grandness of desolation and the growth that accompanies it. This living is the joy of consolation and the understanding that all is connected to All and Spirit guides freely. I settle into this love knowing I am blessed. I settle into this love with a broad smile across my heart and a peaceful awareness in my ears. My soul is comforted.” – Lisa Zuercher, 2 March 2016, from Reflections on My Day.
How do you define living? Do you see a connection between love and living in your life? Find a quiet place and sit in the stillness of your heart. Allow the gentleness of each breath to take you deeper into the core of creation. Rest there. In time your senses will become heighted to the oneness of love. Enjoy living.
Walk gently into the mosaic of life and lavish yourself with tenderness, love and compassion.
Will anything stop you from treating yourself to tenderness, love, and compassion today? Is that ‘anything’ worth putting your self-care aside? What will it take to bathe yourself in loving kindness? Go ahead, make a date with yourself and tend to you. Will you do it?
Freedom of Heart
“You give freedom to my heart.” – Psalm 119:32.
At the intersection of faith, hope and love I am saying YES to Everything as God placed it before me.
What are you saying yes to? Does that yes bring freedom to your heart?
Showing Love
Love sweetly. Love tenderly. Love always. LOVE.
How will you show yourself, someone else or any creature love today?
Receiving Love
Wholeness, beauty, abundance, creation, life and I am at the center of it all just as I am. And you too are at the center of all creation just as you are. This is Love in the most exquisite form. Amen.