

“To know the oneness of love is to live. This living is like the babbling brook, the singing sparrow, the soaring gull, the wagging of a dog’s tail. This living is the realization of the grandness of desolation and the growth that accompanies it. This living is the joy of consolation and the understanding that all is connected to All and Spirit guides freely. I settle into this love knowing I am blessed. I settle into this love with a broad smile across my heart and a peaceful awareness in my ears. My soul is comforted.” – Lisa Zuercher, 2 March 2016, from Reflections on My Day.

How do you define living? Do you see a connection between love and living in your life? Find a quiet place and sit in the stillness of your heart. Allow the gentleness of each breath to take you deeper into the core of creation. Rest there. In time your senses will become heighted to the oneness of love. Enjoy living.

Heaven on Earth

“Dance like no one is watching and live life as if it’s heaven on earth.” – Mark Twain.

I feel unbelievably free when I am dancing as if no one is watching, and when I live life as if it is heaven on earth then my heart loves more than I imagine possible. My mind becomes free of all that drags it down and my heart lights up like that of a wild flower in a field on a breezy summer day. To be free is undeniably liberating. It is Be-ing in the present moment. It is allowing yourself to embrace that which doesn’t serve you, loving it and releasing it into the gentle wind. Reach deep down and discover the power within and contemplate on what makes your heart sing.

Ah, for the rest of today I am going to dance among my blooming sunflowers and let my heart sing along with the delicate voice of the sparrow.

What about you? Are you willing to dance like no one is watching? How will you live as if heaven on earth is surrounding you, within you? What steps will you take today to embrace a negative thought, dance with it and set it free? How will you meet yourself right where you are and indulge yourself in self-love and self-compassion?