Dear Lord,
When I think of you my heart sings in delight as I know all creation is from you, it is of you. The sunrise is you. The sunset is you. The ocean is you. The surrendering sweetly into love is you. Thank you.
Dear Lord,
When I think of you my heart sings in delight as I know all creation is from you, it is of you. The sunrise is you. The sunset is you. The ocean is you. The surrendering sweetly into love is you. Thank you.
“Watching the seagulls unrelenting flight, searching with watchful eye for fresh food – the delicacies being spit out by the wild ocean. I find a brilliant creation as I ride the swell of delight into the wave of excitement. All newness abounds as I learn again to live as I am and to Be – to simply Be and to Be simply. Blessed be now and forever.” – Lisa Zuercher, 3 October 2015 from Reflections on My Day, Silent Retreat, Cohasset, MA.