Declaration to Myself
I am the Whisper of God’s Breath. I am a soulful woman co-creating a life that allows me to look forward and move ahead. I am Healing. I am Wonder. I am a Temple of Self. I am a Holy Vessel. I am the Quest for the Silence I adore. I am honest, smart and different. I am the tiny acorn that grew into the Mighty Oak. I am woman hear me roar. I am an enlightened soul willing to take the time to share my voice and my Be-ing with others. I am the embodiment of good things. I am a writer, a healer, daughter, sister, and friend. I am the human companion to my animals. I am truth. I am Truth. I am an integration of spirit and nature as I envision the intertwining of God and me. I am an expanding universe that is living, LIVING. I am the reflection of Self. And I smile at that now. I am joy. I am brilliance. I am the whispering wind, the soothing sunflowers, the ocean dancing upon the shore. I am the tree, the insect, the lioness, the sand, the clouds. I am. I AM. I am surprised by God through energetic actions. I am bliss in the center of my Love. I am Love. I looked into the mirror, stared into my eyes and found God staring back at me. I am me and I like that.
Written by Lisa Zuercher, 14 October 2014.