It was a peaceful heart I was searching for only to realize it was there all along, under the labors and burdens I was clinging to, much too tightly.
Your Resting Place
Travel into the heart of God and rest there. In this space you will find solace, peace and freedom. This is where you will find your resting place.
Are you willing to turn to the heart of God through your trials and tribulations alike and rest in his love?
Let Us Pray for PEACE
Let us pray for peace. Let us create peace. Let us Be Peace.
Will you take a mindful moment today and share a kind word or action with another? Will you be the one that helps to create a peaceful moment? Will you set your intention toward peace and pray for peace today?
Direction of Your Light
Dear Lord,
Take hold of me and point me in the direction of your Light. Allow me to shine your brilliance in the world and walk with peace in my heart. Amen.
Will you allow brilliance and peace to envelope you today?