
Finding a Brilliant Creation

“Watching the seagulls unrelenting flight, searching with watchful eye for fresh food – the delicacies being spit out by the wild ocean. I find a brilliant creation as I ride the swell of delight into the wave of excitement. All newness abounds as I learn again to live as I am and to Be – to simply Be and to Be simply. Blessed be now and forever.” – Lisa Zuercher, 3 October 2015 from Reflections on My Day, Silent Retreat, Cohasset, MA.

Will you be open to finding your swell of delight and wave of excitement? Will you be open to allowing your swell of delight and wave of excitement to find you? How will you treat yourself to this state of Be-ing today?

Newness in Each Moment

“As the waves grew higher and its’ lapping upon the shore deepened the pregnant pause, the fullness of the underbelly of each wave delighted me to new birth. The ebb and flow, the expansion and contraction, the in breath and out breath – each moment is newness.” – Lisa Zuercher, 3 October 2015, from Reflections on My Day, Silent Retreat, Cohasset, MA.

How will you find newness in each moment? What will you do to change the way you look at or experience the everyday?