
Discerning Heart

“My greatest gift, greatest learning, is that my heart is discerning and I need to listen to that. I need to follow that part of my heart into this world in order to thrive in my humanity and spiritual life.” – Lisa Zuercher, from The Everyday, 15 October 2015.

What is your greatest gift? How does that gift connect you to humanity? To your spiritual life? How do you choose to present your gift to the world? How do you choose to present yourself to the world?

Inhale the New Day

After awaking, I stepped onto my back porch, I inhaled the freshness of life, the new day, the cardinal’s song, the gentle breeze and I knew I arrived. My heart open. The cobwebs from yesterday cleared. The welcoming of a new day is my gift for today. Can life be this joyous – finding my gift as a new day, a breath, the song of birds and the delicate white and pink morning glories awaking to me? Ah, yes!

How do you greet each day? Do you realize each day as a gift? How will you look at any moment today a bit differently than you did yesterday? How will you inhale the freshness of life today?