How do you walk with grief?
Journal entry during silent retreat 2021
How do you walk with grief?
Journal entry during silent retreat 2021
Walk gently upon this earth. Allow your tears to water your soul and your smile to nourish the earth. Blessed be now and forever.
I stepped out onto the back porch into the setting of the full moon. Bella Luna, I whispered, and then took a deep breath as if inhaling the moon itself. My mind engulfed in the passion of moon beams and suddenly I felt recharged, free, and dwelling in the present moment.
Let your heart be broken for in the brokenness you’ll realize the fullness of you. You’ll breathe again. You’ll get up again. You’ll love again. Today is the anniversary of my brother going to heaven. I never thought the hole in my heart would mend. I wasn’t broken, I was shattered. And I did breathe again. I did get up again. I did love again. I embraced the grief over time and the fullness of me began to blossom, yet this time with a deeper sense of Life and Love.
Smile for no reason. Simply smile. Allow the energy of the smile to radiate through you. Feel the energetic shift and relax into it. Go ahead, just smile.
I am the living prayer of God. Repeat these words on your in-breath and on your out-breath. Allow the depth of the message to envelop you. Then rest in its beautiful healing light.
How will you walk through this day knowing that you are the living prayer of God? Will you embrace all of you, each aspect of yourself just as you are as prayer? How do you feel knowing that your life lived is prayer?
“…Rise, pick up you stretcher, and go home. He rose and went home.” – Matthew 9:6-7
Rise, rise up dear friends, dear creation. Rise up. Walk with a contemplative heart. Observe your self-talk. What are you saying? Are you speaking kind and loving thoughts? Are you showering yourself with compassion? You are of no use to others unless you first learn to accept yourself, love yourself, forgive yourself, and have compassion for yourself.
Each tiny step to self-awareness leads to the road of Self Awareness. The first change in movement or thought will affect the energy within and around you. Take up one act of kindness for yourself and allow this act of kindness to wash over you and cleanse your spirit.
Stop for a moment to smell a rose, observe a sunrise or sunset, feed your body nourishing food and drink, write a love letter to yourself or to someone else, rest, read a good book, unplug the phone and computer.
Just stop for a moment (or more), rise up and treat yourself to what you deserve – Kindness and Self Care.
Free of chains, moving silently through each moment, my thoughts are like butterflies settling gently upon a beautiful blossom. Be still for a moment.
Allow your thoughts to bring you to a beautiful place.
The healing power of Love starts with you – self-compassion, forgiveness and self-care.