Indwelling of God

“In the interior space I can nurture my soul, giving life to the indwelling of God, and through this action I am better able to help myself and others. I love the thought of only taking in what will nourish me. What a delicious concept.” – L. Zuercher 10/3/15 Silent Retreat Journal Entry. 

How will you nurture your soul today? What will nourish you? How will you tend to your interior space?

Rise Up -- Shower Yourself with Kindness

“…Rise, pick up you stretcher, and go home. He rose and went home.” – Matthew 9:6-7

Rise, rise up dear friends, dear creation. Rise up. Walk with a contemplative heart. Observe your self-talk. What are you saying? Are you speaking kind and loving thoughts? Are you showering yourself with compassion? You are of no use to others unless you first learn to accept yourself, love yourself, forgive yourself, and have compassion for yourself.

Each tiny step to self-awareness leads to the road of Self Awareness. The first change in movement or thought will affect the energy within and around you. Take up one act of kindness for yourself and allow this act of kindness to wash over you and cleanse your spirit.

Stop for a moment to smell a rose, observe a sunrise or sunset, feed your body nourishing food and drink, write a love letter to yourself or to someone else, rest, read a good book, unplug the phone and computer.

Just stop for a moment (or more), rise up and treat yourself to what you deserve – Kindness and Self Care.

What does self-care look like to you and how will you shower yourself with kindness and self-care today and every day?

Falling in Love Again

I fell in love again at this very moment – in love with all that is good, pure, sweet, caring, honest, and with all that sings sweetly to me as I sit and wait in silence with all creation.

Won’t you take a moment today to sit in silence, to fall in love again with something or someone? With what or whom are you falling in love with all over again?

Celebrate You

"Walking through the tides of life, embracing the ebb and flow, reminds me that the journey is the most delicious part. Are we all not lovingly hand-crafted for the glorious joy of God? Are we not all the masterpieces of His creation, a timeless delight?  I urge you to celebrate the biggest production ever made -- YOU." - Lisa Zuercher

How will you celebrate YOU today?