“If I have all things, all gifts and all that I feel is pleasing but do not love then I have nothing. If I display an attitude of pity for self, if I gossip, if I speak anything but love for my neighbor then I do not have love. What am I willing to give up in order to attain love, in order to have love? Merciful Father you know my heart and you know my roots. Please forgive me my transgressions and bring me into your fold. Please do not leave me out to dry. Please do not turn your back on me as I am nothing without you. Do not abandon me to the evil that dwells for I am not strong if you are not my foundation. There is only hope where you are so please do not set me apart from your kingdom. Take me, hold me and feed me from the vine of truth. Thank you my Lord for your love, your forgiveness and for all that you do for me. Peace. Amen.” – Lisa Zuercher, from In the Midst of Love, 20 August 2013.
“Prayer is the all-encompassing breath of my-self with my Beloved. The beauty of this is the fact that it is. It simply is.” – Lisa Zuercher, from In the Midst of Love, 27 August 2011.
How do you define prayer in your life? Will you take a mindful moment today and offer up an action as prayer?
Living Prayer
I am the living prayer of God. Repeat these words on your in-breath and on your out-breath. Allow the depth of the message to envelop you. Then rest in its beautiful healing light.
How will you walk through this day knowing that you are the living prayer of God? Will you embrace all of you, each aspect of yourself just as you are as prayer? How do you feel knowing that your life lived is prayer?
Let Us Pray for PEACE
Let us pray for peace. Let us create peace. Let us Be Peace.