Life is grand when you realize your ability to feast in the delights of love.
Ending & Beginning
The end is nothing but a new beginning.
Do you find yourself becoming stagnant from limited beliefs of what the end means? How will you change your thought process around the end cycle...a project completion, broken friendships, the winding down of life, etc.? How will you live in the new beginning of each moment?
My life and love await me as I walk along the path of forgiveness and compassion.
What is awaiting you? With what is your path paved? What stops you from living your truest life and love?
Try It On For Size
Try it on for size – self-love, compassion, forgiveness – and find within the wondrous you the power to take another step, the essence of bliss, and the manifestation of divine providence. It’s all there for your adventure, for your pleasure, for your embracing.
When you explore the depths of you, what do you uncover? Is the exploration of you an adventure? Are you able to see the correlation between self-love, compassion and forgiveness with forging ahead, bliss and divine providence?
Walk Gently
Walk gently upon this earth. Allow your tears to water your soul and your smile to nourish the earth. Blessed be now and forever.
How will you walk upon this earth today? Do you recognize the healing effect of your tears and your smile? How Do you nourish of this earth?
Honoring Self
Light up the world with your smile and allow your soul to rest in the tenderness of your brilliance.
How will you honor yourself today?
Living Fully
In order to live life fully you’ll need to keep your heart overflowing with love, your eyes wide open and your soul packed with compassion.
How do you define a fully lived life? How does it feel to fill your heart with love? Are you able to keep your eyes wide open and not run from that which you may not like to see within yourself? Can you embrace what you see and love it up in order to heal? What will happen to you today if you live everything through a soul of compassion?
“I need to trust that through all trials and tribulations alike I am being prepared for the next steps along my journey.”
Do you trust that your trials and tribulations are preparing you for your next steps? Do you feel discouraged or hopeful? Will you allow yourself take a step forward?
Savor You
Look through the lens of your heart and savor the beauty of you.
How does it feel to savor you just as you are?
Walk gently in your frailty. Embrace it. It will not cripple you unless you run from it.
What aspects of yourself do you define as frail? How can and will you embrace these aspects of yourself? Are you willing to stop running from it – your frailty?
What is God Saying
If I am getting angry about having to do more, maybe I shouldn’t be doing more. God may be trying to still me. Spirit may be telling me to slow down, quiet myself.
When you feel the Spirit what do you think God is saying to you? Will you listen?
Peaceful Heart
It was a peaceful heart I was searching for only to realize it was there all along, under the labors and burdens I was clinging to, much too tightly.
What are you clinging to? How is it stifling your life, your heart?
Surrender Sweetly into Love
To surrender sweetly into love is to walk in mercy with all creation.
Will you allow yourself to surrender sweetly into love?
I place my trust in your O Lord. Please guide me to your ever present love and allow me to flourish in the bloom of this new day.
In what/whom do you place your trust? What steps will you take today to delve deeper into trusting your Inner Wisdom, your Higher Self?
Showing Up
“It is all there, me, God, love. Like a tidal wave of star bursts, just when I think I’ve gone missing I show up again, like a star on a dark night.” – Lisa Zuercher, from Silence of Distraction, 13 April 2009.
How do you show up each day? What distractions in life take you away from realizing the full sense of you and your potential? Where and how do you see light in the dark spaces of your life?
Moon Beams
I stepped out onto the back porch into the setting of the full moon. Bella Luna, I whispered, and then took a deep breath as if inhaling the moon itself. My mind engulfed in the passion of moon beams and suddenly I felt recharged, free, and dwelling in the present moment.
What did you notice about yourself today as you awoke and stepped into the moon beams? Will you look at each step you take today as dwelling in the present moment?
Beauty and the Mundane
“Yesterday as I was de-pooping the yard a butterfly landed at my feet. He was the size of a silver dollar, mostly black with crimson around the border of the wings and specks of yellow just near the crimson border. The shape of the wings reminded me of a harp. I was mesmerized by the delicate beauty. I was astounded that such a delicious gift of renewal was placed before me as I tended to my mundane chore. I witnessed the depth of this beauty and delighted in the song being played by the flapping of his wings. Then I urged this little butterfly to scoot before he was trampled by my dog Fionn.” – Lisa Zuercher from Reflections of My Day, 6 October 2014.
Are you able to stop for a moment in the midst of the mundane and take notice to the beauty around you or within you? Are you willing to allow your heart-space to open in order to receive the delicious delicacies that are fluttering around you?
Messiness of Life
In the messiness of life I find myself looking, searching, yearning for something else, something more, as if it is either or – joy or sadness, aloneness or togetherness, despair or hopefulness, desolation or consolation, life or death – but it is everything. All of it, the opposites, make up the beauty of life, of my life and the messiness is just part of it.
How do you define the messiness of your life? Are you able to take steps toward embracing it as part of you? Will you look at the messy parts and see how it adds to the beauty of you?
Gentle Sunset
I stepped out onto my back porch and was welcomed into the warmth of serenity. The oppressive heat seemed to dissipate as my heart skipped a beat in jubilation as my soul gazed up at the evening sky in time to witness the gentle sunset. A mindful moment turned into many moments of me skipping around the yard, taking photos, and giving thanks for the miracles placed before this day. In the most ordinary of days the most extraordinary is placed before me. I see it because my heart is open.
Is your heart open? Are you able to see the extraordinary in the ordinary when you allow the fog to dissipate from your gaze? What do you see when you open your heart?
Perfectly Imperfect
If you strive to be perfect you close yourself off to many possibilities in life. The value of imperfection is not often fully realized and is kicked to the side, as if a waste product. If you embrace the imperfection you’ll soon realize the beautiful nuggets of wisdom that lie in wait for you.