Let your heart be broken for in the brokenness you’ll realize the fullness of you. You’ll breathe again. You’ll get up again. You’ll love again. Today is the anniversary of my brother going to heaven. I never thought the hole in my heart would mend. I wasn’t broken, I was shattered. And I did breathe again. I did get up again. I did love again. I embraced the grief over time and the fullness of me began to blossom, yet this time with a deeper sense of Life and Love.
Walk Another Mile
"Be it so ever peaceful in my heart, let me walk another mile in my own shoes so that I can continue to understand the breadth of who I am. I am You and You me. You, the all-encompassing spirit, love of my soul and breath of my life, sustain me yet another moment so that I can live yet another miracle." - from Reflections on My Day, by Lisa Zuercher, 2011.
Who do you say you are? How will you live the miracle of you?
The Cracked Cup
I looked at my cracked tea cup and reflected upon myself and smiled. The cracks represent part of my story and they bring me closer to God.
Where do your cracks lead you?
Your Resting Place
Travel into the heart of God and rest there. In this space you will find solace, peace and freedom. This is where you will find your resting place.
Are you willing to turn to the heart of God through your trials and tribulations alike and rest in his love?
The angel of the Lord says, “You are special.”
How will you delve into your specialness today?
My Prayer
“If I have all things, all gifts and all that I feel is pleasing but do not love then I have nothing. If I display an attitude of pity for self, if I gossip, if I speak anything but love for my neighbor then I do not have love. What am I willing to give up in order to attain love, in order to have love? Merciful Father you know my heart and you know my roots. Please forgive me my transgressions and bring me into your fold. Please do not leave me out to dry. Please do not turn your back on me as I am nothing without you. Do not abandon me to the evil that dwells for I am not strong if you are not my foundation. There is only hope where you are so please do not set me apart from your kingdom. Take me, hold me and feed me from the vine of truth. Thank you my Lord for your love, your forgiveness and for all that you do for me. Peace. Amen.” – Lisa Zuercher, from In the Midst of Love, 20 August 2013.
What is your prayer? Why don’t you take a moment from your day today and write a prayer for yourself. Will you do it?
Allowing Love
Take solace in the fact that you are loved. If you feel loneliness or despair creeping in, greet it by saying, “Welcome loneliness and despair. I acknowledge you. Love is on its way.” Take a few deep healing breaths knowing all the while you ARE Loved. You are never alone.
Will you allow love to surround you? Will you accept love into your life? Will you love you?
Smile for No Reason
Smile for no reason. Simply smile. Allow the energy of the smile to radiate through you. Feel the energetic shift and relax into it. Go ahead, just smile.
Will you experiment with smiling today? What would it take for you to turn that frown upside down? Will you focus on smiling as a way to shift your energy today?
Walking with God
I walk along the shore as the ocean laps at my heels. The seagulls caw a sweet melody overhead as thoughts dance in my heart. God smiles, takes hold of my hand and walks with me. – Lisa Zuercher, from My Thoughts on God
Where do you walk with God? Where are you meeting God in your days? Will you take hold of God’s hand and walk awhile with him?
Surrender Sweetly
Dear Lord,
When I think of you my heart sings in delight as I know all creation is from you, it is of you. The sunrise is you. The sunset is you. The ocean is you. The surrendering sweetly into love is you. Thank you.
What makes your heart sing? Are you willing to surrender sweetly into it?
The Open Door
“Behold I have left an open door before you, which no one can close.” Revelations 3:8.
The open door is an invitation to enter into the deepest Self, a place of solace and peace. A place where you and God intertwine in the bliss of the creation of you.
As you journey through your day what doorway will you choose to walk through? What will you say yes to? And whom or what is that yes serving?
“Prayer is the all-encompassing breath of my-self with my Beloved. The beauty of this is the fact that it is. It simply is.” – Lisa Zuercher, from In the Midst of Love, 27 August 2011.
How do you define prayer in your life? Will you take a mindful moment today and offer up an action as prayer?
Giving Thanks
If you find yourself walking with your head buried in your suffering, stop for a moment, look up, breathe deep and give thanks for something.
I am thankful for you.
Were you able to find something in your life for which you could give thanks?
God's Whisper
God just whispered, “I love you.”
What’s your response?
Sweet Ecstasy
In the silence of my heart I hear the whisper of the wind and as the tender love song of creation tantalizes my senses into sweet ecstasy, I rest into the divine.
How do you experience sweet ecstasy? The divine? Will you silence your thoughts for a few moments today and treat yourself to holy rest?
Walk gently into the mosaic of life and lavish yourself with tenderness, love and compassion.
Will anything stop you from treating yourself to tenderness, love, and compassion today? Is that ‘anything’ worth putting your self-care aside? What will it take to bathe yourself in loving kindness? Go ahead, make a date with yourself and tend to you. Will you do it?
Welcoming Life
Dear Lord, I flow to you as the rays of sun reach for the earth, as the rain drops soak into the withered land, as a smile warms the heart. I thank you for always welcoming me into your arms.
How do you feel welcomed in your life? How do you welcome life?
Be Still
“As I stood on rock beach this afternoon allowing God to speak the words ‘Be still and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10 ESV), be still and know that I am, be still and know, be still, be, I became one with everything just as I am. No need for pretense. No need to be anything other than who I am. I just am.” – Lisa Zuercher, 3 October 2015, from Reflections on My Day, Silent Retreat, Cohasset, MA.
Why don’t you delve into your interior space and search out who you are? Who do you say you are?
A Clear Lens through which to See
“It is amazing to find God in all things, in all ways and at all times. Finding comfort in Him who created me is an undeniable aspect of my ability to live and be free. Through the actions of searching, discernment, and contemplation I am able to see the world differently, see the world through the lens of God.” – Lisa Zuercher, from The Everyday, 16 October 2015.
Are you willing to see the world differently today, through Loving eyes? Will you take a loving moment today to search, discern and contemplate different ways in which to see?
Heaven on Earth
“Dance like no one is watching and live life as if it’s heaven on earth.” – Mark Twain.
I feel unbelievably free when I am dancing as if no one is watching, and when I live life as if it is heaven on earth then my heart loves more than I imagine possible. My mind becomes free of all that drags it down and my heart lights up like that of a wild flower in a field on a breezy summer day. To be free is undeniably liberating. It is Be-ing in the present moment. It is allowing yourself to embrace that which doesn’t serve you, loving it and releasing it into the gentle wind. Reach deep down and discover the power within and contemplate on what makes your heart sing.
Ah, for the rest of today I am going to dance among my blooming sunflowers and let my heart sing along with the delicate voice of the sparrow.