
The Open Door

“Behold I have left an open door before you, which no one can close.” Revelations 3:8.

The open door is an invitation to enter into the deepest Self, a place of solace and peace. A place where you and God intertwine in the bliss of the creation of you.

As you journey through your day what doorway will you choose to walk through? What will you say yes to? And whom or what is that yes serving?

Celebrate You

"Walking through the tides of life, embracing the ebb and flow, reminds me that the journey is the most delicious part. Are we all not lovingly hand-crafted for the glorious joy of God? Are we not all the masterpieces of His creation, a timeless delight?  I urge you to celebrate the biggest production ever made -- YOU." - Lisa Zuercher

How will you celebrate YOU today?