
Messiness of Life

In the messiness of life I find myself looking, searching, yearning for something else, something more, as if it is either or – joy or sadness, aloneness or togetherness, despair or hopefulness, desolation or consolation, life or death – but it is everything. All of it, the opposites, make up the beauty of life, of my life and the messiness is just part of it.

How do you define the messiness of your life? Are you able to take steps toward embracing it as part of you? Will you look at the messy parts and see how it adds to the beauty of you?

Perfectly Imperfect

If you strive to be perfect you close yourself off to many possibilities in life. The value of imperfection is not often fully realized and is kicked to the side, as if a waste product.  If you embrace the imperfection you’ll soon realize the beautiful nuggets of wisdom that lie in wait for you.  

How do you value the imperfections in your life? Do you embrace them as miracles to be savored, lived, and loved?