Look through the lens of your heart and savor the beauty of you.
Beauty and the Mundane
“Yesterday as I was de-pooping the yard a butterfly landed at my feet. He was the size of a silver dollar, mostly black with crimson around the border of the wings and specks of yellow just near the crimson border. The shape of the wings reminded me of a harp. I was mesmerized by the delicate beauty. I was astounded that such a delicious gift of renewal was placed before me as I tended to my mundane chore. I witnessed the depth of this beauty and delighted in the song being played by the flapping of his wings. Then I urged this little butterfly to scoot before he was trampled by my dog Fionn.” – Lisa Zuercher from Reflections of My Day, 6 October 2014.
Are you able to stop for a moment in the midst of the mundane and take notice to the beauty around you or within you? Are you willing to allow your heart-space to open in order to receive the delicious delicacies that are fluttering around you?
Messiness of Life
In the messiness of life I find myself looking, searching, yearning for something else, something more, as if it is either or – joy or sadness, aloneness or togetherness, despair or hopefulness, desolation or consolation, life or death – but it is everything. All of it, the opposites, make up the beauty of life, of my life and the messiness is just part of it.
How do you define the messiness of your life? Are you able to take steps toward embracing it as part of you? Will you look at the messy parts and see how it adds to the beauty of you?
Seeing Beauty Through Heart and Soul
My thoughts drift to yesterday and the beautiful cloud formations that greeted me upon rising. Can it be, can it be that such beauty is placed before me to remind me that wherever I look, if I open my heart and observe through my soul, I’ll find beauty?
Today will you try to see beauty through your heart and soul?
How beautiful indeed are the feet of Him who brings love, compassion, mercy and grace to this creation.