
Waltzing with My Thoughts

Waltzing with My Thoughts, by Lisa Zuercher, 7 August 2016

Sitting in my yard, admiring the pale blue sky, the blooming sunflowers, the ornamental grasses, the sparrows flying from the Rose of Sharon bush to the various vines that line the fence make me smile. Bugs and bees are scurrying from bloom to bloom delighting in the nectar of life. And I get to enjoy all of this. The only thing missing is the sound of the ocean dancing upon the shore. One day I’ll own a house by the Atlantic and marvel each day in the splendor of its power. One day indeed.

I ponder over the events of the past days and feel myself settling into the cracks in my life. What am I learning from them, these cracks? What about my family is tugging at me? I’ve been feeling as if I am on the outside looking in. It’s bugging me. The dynamic is causing my heart to ache and I find myself delving deeper into my cracks looking for answers.

Will my answers be found as I sit in my yard welcoming the delicate balance of wind chimes singing, witnessing the gentle breeze awaking the ornamental grasses into dance and allowing my soul to feel what it needs to feel? Maybe I should look at my life as a sunflower. A seed planted and nurtured. A shoot sprouted through the earth. It grew tall. A bud burst into the delicious, colorful bloom smiling at me now. What I can say about me is that I grew from a seed. I was nurtured. I grew tall and my bud burst into a blossom. No one can take that from me. Not everyone will appreciate me or my blossom and that is okay because when I gaze at the sunflowers following the suns calls day after day I remember that all I need to do is follow God’s call day after day. Steps taken toward the Light, toward Healing. I’m good and those cracks, well they are part of me. A delicious place to linger and learn.

I am also thinking about my experiences on Friday as I traveled to and from work. Traveling to work on Friday morning I thought I’d jump out of my skin at the loud voice of a man preaching at the top of his lungs about Jesus and condemning those that don’t. Now mind you, I believe in Christ. It is what gets me through. However, I also believe in many spiritual practices and being One with Everything is my path, it is my journey, it is my waltz with God. I don’t believe in condemning others because they don’t believe what I believe or don’t walk upon the same road. And this man, well his voice was so loud my ear drums felt like they were being pierced.

What I relate next is from my train journal entry on Friday, 5 August 2016.

“5 August 2016, 7:42am. In the midst of love I find myself suddenly silent in the echo of my soul. Not sure where to step next, not feeling love at all, feeling quite alone, stranded on an island of regrets. Which step do I take next? Are there any steps to take? In the midst of love – is it a farce? NO. I know deep down I am surrounded by love and my not feeling it doesn’t mean it isn’t there, however the alone feeling is strong.

Where do I expect to be? Who do I expect to be? Ah, the age old question for me. I thought by now I’d have a pile of money in the bank and would be retired. I thought I’d be spending my days walking along the beach with the dogs, writing in the afternoon, and settling into thoughts in the evening. Not in the cards I guess, because of previous decisions made. What to do? I gotta get cheap now. It’s the only way I’ll be able to retire at all.

I wish the guy speaking at the top of his lungs would shut up. His voice is penetrating my ear drums and it hurts. Seriously it feels likes knives are being shoved through my ear drums. He is preaching about one God, one Jesus. Okay, but tone it down. Don’t force it upon another. Act rightly and watch people come, is what I say. He is denouncing all other religions and spiritual practices. Shut up I am screaming silently within. He is turning me off and I notice others leaving the subway car at President Street and running into the next car. Oh please shut up I shout again in silence. He is forcing himself upon everyone. He lets everyone know he is Jamaican and shares loudly that he grew up with Bedouin (that is what it sounded like he said anyway) and then he turned to Christ. Then he begins putting down other religions. The energy in the subway car is changing. I can feel tension setting upon people. Again, I am silently screaming SHUT UP and I feel my own energy turning heavy.

Oh Lord, what did I do to deserve this penance this morning? I chuckle at myself as if this is about me. Actually it is. I am writing in my journal and my subway time is a time to look into myself—me time. His jarring voice is interrupting my flow. Could he just tone it down a bit?

Ah, quiet at last. At Atlantic Avenue he got off the subway. It feels heavenly now. The gentle sound of the train wheels gliding against the metal rails. The hum of the air conditioner. The whisper of passengers’ voices. I can feel the sigh of relief from other passengers. People are appreciating their train time now as if they never realized before how delightful a peaceful ride to New York City could be.

And with the quiet I can get back to my thoughts. O holy and heavenly Father, where are you? Why do I feel blank? Why do I feel clogged by blankness? What is it that I struggle with? I need time for myself to rejuvenate. I want to be in a space where I can just feel love. How did I become so blank? Dead inside? Have a multitude of disappoints deadened me as of late? I must end here because the Wall Street subway stop just appeared and I have to get off the train.”

I had a good day at work and on Fridays during the summer, with hours put in, I can leave at 2pm. So at 2pm I ran like the wind. I wanted to catch the 2:04pm #2 subway to Brooklyn. I walked faster than I thought my feet and legs could carry me and I made it. I made the 2:04 train. Yahooey.

I sat in an overly cold subway car and enjoyed the fact that I had a good day at work and I was being whisked away home. I took out my journal and decided to reflect on my morning experience.

Here is the polar opposite experience on my ride home.

“5 August 2016, 2:05pm. Thank you, Lord. I caught the early #2 train and I am being whisked off to Brooklyn. I can’t wait to get home. Cathie gave me a great idea starter for the book. She suggested I take my published daily thoughts and create chapters in the book based on each thought, one page per thought. Her feedback was lovely and helpful and I am delighted I asked her insights on getting started.

Yes, God is smiling at me now and I like that. I like it always. Someone just got on the train with a bongo drum and begins singing You’ve Got A Friend by Carol King. I stopped writing for a moment and realized just as I wrote the line God is smiling at me now, this gentleman began singing You’ve Got a Friend and the line just call out my name was permeating the subway car. Was God using him to send me a HUGE message that I am to call out to Him in my despair, my aloneness, my times of happiness and sadness? I think yes. Throughout the song he interjected words of wisdom, bible passages, and kindness. He wasn’t shouting at the top of his lungs. The singer finishes his beautiful rendition and says, “Thank you for allowing me to be myself. Without your ears I have no voice.” I smile broadly and think about myself and how voiceless I feel at times and wonder if anyone hears me at all. God is showing himself in a giant way right now. He was presenting his canvas in a gentle way. As this bongo playing singer departs the train he says, “Your smile might save someone’s life, even your own,” and poof, he was gone. I didn’t see where he walked to. It was as if he vanished as soon as he stepped out of the subway car.

Could this be my angel letting me know God is absolutely smiling upon me and loving me and letting me know that I have an eternal friend and family member – the ALL, God, All Creation. I am in it. I am part of it. I am all of it. I am amazed. I am absolutely, 100 percent freaking amazed at what just transpired. Thank you angels. Thank you God.

So here I was calling out to God and this bongo playing singer belts out Carol King’s You’ve Got A Friend. An angel placed before me to keep my soul alive, to offer me the rope upon which I could climb up from the morning rant. Feeling alone this morning and feeling loved up this afternoon. Well placed words, beautiful music, and a divine messenger. My pen pushing soulfully along lined pages of my journal, my thoughts moving faster than my pen moves. Which way to turn now? What to write next? And my station just appeared and I have to get off the train to catch the bus home.”

And that brings me to today.

I just looked up from my laptop and notice that puffy clouds have formed in the pale blue sky. So much has changed since I’ve been reflecting on my Friday divine encounter. I look up again and swear the angel statue I placed in the yard is smiling at me (no I am not hallucinating). The whispering wind caressing my thoughts. I am being heard. The sunflowers shimmer in the breeze as if clapping for me, cheering me on and lightening my load. The dance of the leaves singing sweetly and thanking me for taking the time to notice everything.

I stopped typing for a moment to feel the beauty around me and realized yet again, that my waltz with God is ever changing, ever loving, and ever true.

Artists' Contemplative Retreat,Day 4, 13 June 2016

Artists’ Contemplative Retreat, Day 4, 13 June 2016, by Lisa Zuercher

I got up before the crow cawed this morning. I found my sleep in the night full of words, thoughts and musings. The night previous, I sat up in bed writing the draft of my day three post and my intention was to get up early, type it up, copy to the blog, resize pictures, upload, press send and voila. Think again, lovelies, think again.

I go out of bed around 4:45am. I just couldn’t contain my excitement. I was exuberant to greet this day with an explosion of love and wonder. Today would be day one for sending my Daily Thought to my subscriber list, along with publishing the second blog post. First I needed to BE in nature, the place where I meet God the most.

As I am getting ready the crow makes a half-arsed attempt to caw and I giggled because he probably realized that I beat him to the punch. His totem energy from the preceding day was teaching me, transformation was occurring. And the squirrel totem energy of perseverance and playfulness was silently finding its way to my healing center. This was important for me to realize because I knew I was still a bit anxious about the vulnerability involved in sending my voice into the land of the web, into the internet chatter space that I still didn’t comprehend, and into people’s email boxes.

Geese Among Clouds, Photo credit, Lisa Zuercher, 2016

So out I go, around 5:40am, and the first thing I notice is the intrinsically fresh and crisp attributes of the air. I inhaled deeply and thanked God for this gift. A few steps into the walk I notice the cloud formations. The sun hadn’t yet burned the grayish tinge off these delectable goodies in the sky and the contrast of gray and white against the azure blue sky caused my heart to skip a beat. I felt like I was five years old again and running down the wooden stairs in our family home on Christmas morning to see what Santa left under the tree.

Out came my phone and I began taking picture after picture. Then I began scurrying around the property, like a squirrel looking for buried nuts, chasing the clouds so I wouldn’t miss a good shot. I put on quite a performance. As a matter of fact I don’t recall seeing any squirrels this morning. I bet they were all perched around the perimeter watching the strange human running after clouds. My breath taken away, each cloud a gift to my soul.

After an hour or so, I headed to the work room. I turned on my computer, took out my notes and the first order of the creative process was to publish my first Daily Thought through MailChimp (the mailing list service I signed up to use). I logged in, replicated a test campaign so I wouldn’t have to create the entire mailing from scratch, and, oddly enough, the replication didn’t work correctly. The picture was giving me issues. It wasn’t transferring. After a few attempts, a low-grade frustration building and my repeating the word perseverance over and over in my head, I decided to forge ahead, find a new picture, resize it and upload to the template. All systems were now ready. I took a very deep breath and pressed send. Daily Thought number one was on its way to the mail boxes of all those signed up. I swear I felt like I just gave birth.

Breakfast was the next charge of the day and then back to the work room to post day three blog of the retreat journey. What should have taken thirty minutes or less took five hours. Five freaking hours.

First was transcribing notes. No problem. Second was choosing pictures to go with the post. No problem. Third, resizing photos. Problem. Ugh. The trick, I am learning, is to reduce the pixel size of each photo so that the pictures don’t impede the opening of the web pages. Okay, I get that, but why was I having so much difficulty resizing. I even signed up for a Canva.com account and realized rather quickly that I was bringing upon myself more torturous learnings. Canva wouldn’t allow me to upload the two pictures I wanted to use. I abandon that rather quickly.

At lunch time Sr. Katie suggests a Microsoft photo program that I happened to have on my computer. I took yet another deep breath, uploaded the pictures, and resized them. Was this a miracle or what?

What came next was the “I want to throw my computer out the window” episode of the “Lisa and the Blog Entry” reality show. I copy and paste my content into notepad so all formatting is stripped from the piece. For those not aware of this, as I wasn’t when I started, formatting from one program will most probably be misread in another program so best so strip the formats. Okay, that’s done. Now it’s time to upload the photos. Great. No problem. Wonderful. Next, position the pictures. It doesn’t work. Why can’t I get these pictures positioned correctly? Then the page would not save. I had to delete and start again. Over and over and over again I tried. When does perseverance turn into a complete waste of one’s time? Seriously, when?

Now at the 4.5 hour mark, surprised that I have any hair left on my head at all, I decide to reach out to the Squarespace help line. I send them an instant message and in about two seconds I receive a response letting me know it will be a moment before someone is able to assist. A moment goes by and I receive a ping on my computer. It’s Jamie M from Squarespace. He gets into my account, makes a video demonstrating picture placement using my blog post, sends me the link and within 5 minutes I am watching a video with my blog and uploaded photo as the example. Wow. Another 3 minutes later I upload the second picture, positioned it and the post was ready. Submit button pressed. The post now living and breathing in internet land. Lesson – set a certain time to muddle through, know your limitations, and then reach out and ask for help. As a treat and rejuvenation I strolled outside and found a spot for myself.

Sitting in the sun overlooking the Hudson I found my soul settle into its own rhythm. The rhythm of God as he works within me in varied ways. The sunshine providing much needed vitamin D and warmth to my skin. The gentle breeze caressing my cheeks and I could hear the birds saying, “I love you.” I was being tended to. The serenity blanketing my being brought a HUGE smile to my face, to my soul, to my spirit. I fell in love again at this very moment – in love with all that is good, and pure, and sweet, and caring, and honest, and with all that sings sweetly to me as I sit and wait in the silence with all creation.

Everyone in the group seems to be gliding into a rhythm. Painters creating life on paper, sculptors molding clay to life, photographers capturing life in a snapshot, and writers bringing words to life and life to words on paper. Ah, the joy of this time away, in community, in communion with creatives creating.

Now around 10pm and before settling in for the evening I had one last thing to do; I had to gaze at the brilliant moon. I was taken aback. The beauty. The strength. The serenity. The healing. This beautiful moon, in all her radiance, completed my day and blessed with a deep inner peace. Ah the serene exhale, our breaths meeting in the middle and moon-love radiating brightly.

Moon over Mariandale. Photo credit, Lisa Zuercher, 2016.

So through the angst of technology foibles that put me way behind my goals for the day (and week for that matter) I met God right where I was. In the midst of challenges I honored my need to commune with the nature that soothes me, and quieted myself enough to hear the gentle echo of His love song to me. Everything is alright.

Artists' Contemplative Retreat, Day 3, 12 June 2016

Artists’ Contemplative Retreat, Day 3, 12 June 2016, by Lisa Zuercher

Awoken by a crow at 5:40am I decided to start this journey anew. Fresh thoughts, fear embraced, and a gentler me peeped her head out and took a deep breath. I wondered what the symbolism for crow meant and learned she symbolized power of sight, transformation and subtle shifts of energy within self. As crow sees from a higher perspective, I knew this crow was prodding me to start my day with the new lens of heart shining through.

I was outside by 6:30am. Beach chair in hand (I always travel with beach chairs in the trunk of my car; never know when they’ll come in handy) I walked to the far eastern section of the car park. The spot was bug free and my heart was just as free. My soul was radiating. I took a seat on my well placed blue beach chair and gazed at the brilliant sun and allowed her warmth to fill my soul. The wind continued its accompaniment to the maple and oak trees dancing. And the caressing of unseen spirit, the energy of Love brought a smile to my face.

Photo credit, Lisa Zuercher, 2016

Photo credit, Lisa Zuercher, 2016

I tipped my head back and took advice from the crow and allowed the mysteries of life to awaken my core. I gazed deeper into the subtle shift of energy I was birthing. After a bit, I opened my journal and stared at the blank page. No writing this morning as there was an abundance of wisdom to absorb from my surroundings and I didn’t want to miss a thing. Healing was taking place. Focus. Wind. Singing birds. Dancing trees. I felt lighter.

Between breakfast and lunch I sat in the artists’ work room yet my heart was calling me elsewhere. A long conversation with Sr. Peggie, sculptor extraordinaire, ensued as she described her process. I could see God taking hold of her sculpture. I could see the holy radiating from her to me as we shared stories and laughed.

Trail of Serenity. Photo credit, Lisa Zuercher, 2016

Trail of Serenity. Photo credit, Lisa Zuercher, 2016

A long walk around the property followed; my mind, body and spirit were still processing the energetic shifts. Picture taking helped me to capture God’s beauty and record the steps I was taking. The wind ferociously beating about had the trees dancing the paso doble; their intense movement released the remaining sludge hiding in my soul.

God was everywhere, there was no denying it.

This evening Sr. Peggie recited to the group Prinderella and the Cince, a word play on the Cinderella story, which she’d memorized so many years ago. After the first line the flood gates opened. I was howling, doubled over and my body heaving from laughter. This was Love. This was Peace. This was Community.

So where did I find God today – Everywhere. Today was an easy God sighting day. My foundation was well placed and I was open to receiving. I realized, yet again, that within the ebb and flow of life wherever I am, there too is God.