Artists’ Contemplative Retreat, Day 6, 15 June 2016, by Lisa Zuercher
This is the last full day at the retreat house. My heart saddened as I am not ready to leave this place yet.
My day began even earlier than yesterday. At 4am my eyes popped open. I wanted to send the blog post for day five and I still needed to finish writing the piece and edit it. I jumped out of bed, took a shower and dressed. Then I opened my prayer book and Luke 8:16 welcomed me as the cobwebs began to clear from my brain. “No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed; rather, he places it on a lap stand so that those who enter may see the light.” I was struck by the fact that I feel as if I can no longer be concealed and my light needs to shine. And with that, I ran down three flights of stairs so I could begin typing and posting.
I went for a walk after lunch. The day was pleasant; the sun warm and the wind gentle. I basked in the glory of being in a miraculous place where the trees speak my language, where faeries dance among the wooded area, and where totem animals offered their wisdom. As I walked up the hill to the wooded area I sensed the faeries – ever so playful, and I was delighted. I am on the right path. They let me know.
At 2pm the open house began. For two hours employees at the retreat center joined the artists in the work room and we shared what we created during the week. It was a bit awkward showing my website from a computer when most others were displaying paintings, mandalas and sculptures. I held my own though, explained my vision and handed out my information. It’s a start. I got very nice feedback.
Stillness by the Hudson. Photo credit, Lisa Zuercher, 2016
The open house ended at 4pm and I found myself gravitating to the outdoors. The weather was too miraculous to remain indoors for one minute longer, and I wanted to see, hear and feel what messages would be delivered to me on my final day. I took my spot on a bench overlooking the Hudson and the stillness of the water was insatiable to me. The water reminding me that my thoughts need stilling as I walk through transformation of voice. As I sat in silence butterflies began scurrying about – a large black and yellow one and two little white ones. I practiced a few Reiki chants and sat with arms outstretched giving thanks as I took in everything. Oh, why does this have to come to an end?
Now comes the interesting part – the black and yellow butterfly circled me twice. The spiritual meaning of butterfly is transformation, renewal, rebirth, lightness of heart and playfulness. And if Spirit thought I didn’t notice the butterfly, a squirrel was sent my way yet again. As I was gazing intently at the calm of the water and thinking about the butterfly and what took place this week, a squirrel seemed to appear out of thin air. I was startled. He looked at me and then walked away. I take this to mean that I should stop being startled by a new voice and persevere so that I can create my dreams. And the butterfly reminded me that transformation is taking place within me and around me and that the renewal of soul is bringing me to a rebirth of myself. Pretty amazing if you ask me.
And with all that learned, dinner eaten, group meeting and prayer completed, I packed bits and pieces into the car and stayed up too late typing this post.
Tomorrow morning I’ll get up early and bring the remaining items to the car. The group will meet for breakfast and one final meeting. Then back to Brooklyn for me. Will Brooklyn be able to handle the transformed and rebirthed me? We’ll see.