My Smile Experiment, 31 July 2016, by Lisa Zuercher
The energetic shift brought about by a smile is amazing to me. I awoke thinking about making today a day of smiles. I wanted to experiment with the energetic shift between a smile and a frown.
Morning Glory Trinity. Photo Credit, Lisa Zuercher 31 July 2016
I hopped out of bed at 6am, pulled my hair back into a pony tail, pulled on black shorts and a vibrant orange tank top, brushed my teeth and down the stairs I flew. I greeted my animal companions, Shane and Fionn, with a smile and my experiment began. All leashed up we stepped into the world beyond our home and strolled around the neighborhood during my favorite time and day of the week – early Sunday morning between 5am and 6:30am while the neighborhood still sleeps.
Shane is having trouble with his hips so the walk was slow, giving me time to notice the roses, begonias, daisies, ferns, and many varieties of plants and trees that I don’t know the names of. I was going to make a point of smiling and saying good morning to everyone I passed. However, with no humans in sight I decided to say good morning to the sparrows, cardinals, cats and squirrels I met along the journey. I said hello to the trees and flowers that captured my eye and with each good morning and hello I felt my heart brighten and my energy flow at a higher speed causing my mood to shift from “crap I have so much to do today and I don’t want to do anything” to “life is a miracle.”
Once I returned home I decided to clean the house and organize my office and art room in order to clear the energy in my home. For those that don’t know me well, I despise cleaning so the fact that I suddenly wanted to clean was an interesting shift in energy. I wanted to declutter and rid myself of that which isn’t serving me to serve you or my soul.
Fionn (in pool), Shane resting. Photo credit, Lisa Zuercher, 31 July 2016
After about 9 hours it was time to call it a day. I didn’t get as much cleaning done as I thought I would have but I did manage to clean out one closet and shed myself of clothes that no longer fit. I found a nice spot for my Reiki table and I organized my office and art room. Two piles of paper work were shred, carpets vacuumed, bathroom cleaned, floors swept, four loads of laundry complete, curtains in two rooms taken down for washing and I hung ten pictures. And when I felt my energy slowing down, I went to the yard, took pictures of the dogs and flowers in the garden and I smiled. I smiled using my lips and my heart.
Sunflower in Yard. Photo Credit, Lisa Zuercher, 31 July 2016
I have more cleaning ahead of me but I am not going to finish that today and I am fine with this. I am not beating myself up. I am delighted at what I accomplished and the energy within me is light, free.
With lightness of spirit and a full day put in, I decided to stop for the evening, feed the dogs and eat dinner. While eating my homemade quinoa salad I thought about the blessings of the day – a birthday call to my Da, laughs with my Ma, fabulous dog antics, my life and a smile.
A good day indeed and my smile experiment was a success. Smiling within brought my soul to peace.
This was not an earth shattering experiment or anything new for that matter. People have been doing this around the world for ions but I had never consciously managed my life in this way for an entire day. Maybe cleaning my home is no big deal and this may all sound foolish but the shift in energy occurred. It was a noticeable shift. So tomorrow I’ll experiment on my way to work and at work. Who knows what will come next. Imagine if we all smiled at the same time. The energy of the world would shift in a big way. Wow. So why don’t you try it. Smile for no reason, embrace the changes that occur. And as my brother always used to say to me, “Smile God loves you.”