I Choose, by Lisa Zuercher, 3 August 2014
As I walk along my path allowing my journey to unfold
I think about the Buddha, the Christ, the Love
Who are these entities that come to me and walk with me
and tease me into knowing the unknowing
Into abiding by the songs of my soul and my heart
I choose to live
I choose to take lightly that which is, for what else is there
And as I speak my heart screams
"Teacher, teacher, lead the way"
So I continue along the path, my path
I am here
All encompassing
All of me, here, there, everywhere
Many years ago as I walked with my Christ I said,
"Here I am Lord"
And here I am
Just me
All of me
I look up and can't see the end of the road
My heart skips a beat from both fear and anticipation
My legs tired, my soul losing its steam at times
Yet my Lord, Lover and God keeps picking me up
Ah, because he can
He chooses to pick me up
He, the One that I love, chooses me
Is this not enough, Is this not enough
The gentle summer breeze skipping along the oceans skin
Singing to me as I await in anticipation for my Lover
He for whom my heart yearns
Two lovers, entwined
Can I be separate from Him, this one for whom my heart yearns
I sit at the ledge
Secure in Love
Knowing beyond all knowing
Nothing at all and All in nothing
And so it is