"Silence comes to heal the blows of sound." - Oliver Wendall Holmes

If I look beyond the words, the feelings, and the who I think I am and sit in the silence of who I know I am then everything, everything becomes holy, and that is electric. Waltzing with God is the act of embracing life, listening to the gentle whisper of the Soul and finding God in everything.

All photography provided by Lisa Zuercher, unless otherwise noted.

Mammoth Sunflower. Grown from seed by Lisa Zuercher, 2014.

Mammoth Sunflower. Grown from seed by Lisa Zuercher, 2014.

Cohasset, MA. Sunrise, 2013.

Cohasset, MA. Sunrise, 2013.

daily Thought

Take a moment for yourself. Read my daily thought.

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My gift is to write for God. Read about where and how I find God in everything.

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